Comfort Babies New Centre and Progress Update

You can see above the beautiful new centre that has been developed in Kicukiro for the benefit principally of the Comfort Babies project and the Comfort Rwanda Street Kids Rescue (SKR) projects. This land has been generously provided and developed in partnership with many local contributors. Two excellent painters have donated their time and skill to adorn the centre in beautiful and wholesome designs which aim to create a fun, safe and educational environment for the children and babies on these projects. The doors and windows have been made by those on the Batsinda SKR project who have been studying welding, and others who are studying construction are helping with the building of some of the new houses on the land. 

The centre is a foretaste of what we hope the Comfort Transformation Centre will provide for our projects in Rwanda. Currently the centre in Kicukiro is acting as a hub for the Comfort Babies and SKR projects, with rooms for computers and sewing machines, facilities for babysitting so that mums can attend training and school, and accommodation for those most poor and homeless mums with nowhere to stay. 

Computer labs with space for about 15 computers to be used to help with studying

The same family who provided the land for the Kicukiro centre have now also committed to providing farming land for the Comfort Babies mums to use for the next 3 years. Opportunities like these are vital for mums to get out of the cycle of poverty and build towards an independent and sustainable future. Alongside the grants that are being provided for mums to start up income-generating projects, we are working towards complete healing and restoration for those on the projects. You can see here some of the income generating projects already started by the mums on the CBs project. 

On that note we were delighted to hear of two of the mums on the Comfort Babies Project who have recently received their certificates for training in hairdressing. This will allow them to go on to look for employment and provide a steady flow of income. We congratulate them hugely and look forward to their bright future. 

Our partners, Comfort Rwanda, who oversee the Comfort Babies project in Rwanda, have also been fostering partnerships with the local authorities. The government has provided some free land for housing for one of the mums on the projects who is already benefitting from this. We very much hope to see this developing and expect to perhaps see more land or houses being gifted in the following years. 

a little can change a life