Messages of thanks from women in D.R.Congo

by Halcyon Martin

Elim Missions partners with Comfort International to bring much needed help to rape suriviors in D.R.Congo.

Thanks to the generosity of Elim Missions women who had suffered rape were given much needed food and clothing. Sixty women were given 30 sacks of meal, sharing one sack between two women. Eighteen received clothes to make up for their own which had been lost, stolen or torn. 

A Doctor from Central Hospital, Rusayu, describes the situation:

Some of the raped women had their clothes torn or stolen. These women borrowed some clothes from near family before they to go out in public so as not to be identified by people who don’t know their situation. Now they have been given proper clothes, they will return those they have borrowed. They thank Comfort International and its supporters for having sent this help to comfort them by offering the food and clothes. They thank God for having sent people inspired by Holy Spirit to help the downcast and they wish you to continue with these acts to whose who are in need in the world. May God add much where you extracted the means you use for us and for all communities.”  

Messages from some of the beneficiaries:

My name is Hategkimana. I am married and I am a mother of four children. I’m from RUSAYU. I feel encouraged today. I lost hope when I was raped. After getting raped, I felt like I am nothing in this world, I couldn’t approach other people. But since I arrived at the Central Hospital of Rusayu I became well with medication, psychologically I am comforted. I give thanks for Comfort International and its supporters because of this food I received today, this food will help all the family. I had no clothes but today I got some. Let me thank the Central Hospital of Rusayu for taking care of us. I call upon those mums who are afraid to come at CHR because of their problems, I know there are many in the village. God bless you.

I am Furaha. I am so glad to be here again today, let me thank God for his love. I thank the Central Hospital of Rusayu for being interested and taking care to us. Really I was raped and when I arrived at this hospital, medical staff approached me and now I am being treated. I thank the organisation Comfort International and its supporters for this aid of clothes and meal. This will help me because when I was raped my clothes were torn, now I have something to protect against bad weather. Glory to the Lord I have got clothes to wear. Since I have been raped I am going through a hard period, even to get food for my children: I thank Comfort International and Elim for the meal I receive now, it will allow me to be happy in my family with my children. Thanks to Comfort International, its supporters and Central Hospital of Rusayu. God bless you.

My name is Maniraguha. I thank you for this aid of clothes and food. When I will reach home my children will glorify God because since I was raped, I find hard to find things to eat. I am afraid to go into the forest to find wood to sell to get some money in order to buy food, but by the mercy of God to the hand of Comfort International and its supporters we get it.  May God bless these organisations. The day I was raped I lost my clothes but God is good and I have been given some more. I pray God to bless Comfort International and its supporters more so that you can help other people like us.

a little can change a life