Moses Returns To Work

by Billy McClung

Great News! Moses returns to work at the Central Hospital after recovering from a serious road traffic accident.

You may remember in August last year when Moses, the Nutritionist at the Central Hospital of Rusayu, was badly injured as a result of a road traffic collision where he was knocked off his bike on his way home from work. He suffered serious injuries, including to his skull and shoulder, and was admitted to the Heal Africa Hospital in Goma, DRC. Due to the nature of his injuries his recovery was slow however, after a number of surgeries, he was eventually discharged home on 26th September. He continued to receive treatment as an outpatient for a few weeks. The majority of the cost of his hospitalisation, surgery and medications was covered by generous individual donations with the balance being covered by Comfort International.

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We are delighted to say that Moses returned to work as a Nutritionist at the Central Hospital of Rusayu earlier this week. He sends his love and thanks to those who contributed to his recovery, both financially as well as by praying for him. This recent photo is evidence to the progress he has made.

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The Central Hospital Rusayu is funded by Comfort International. Situated in North Kivu on the outskirts of Goma the hospital serves the extremely poor by providing health care, including life-saving operations, births, medical treatments and vaccinations for free to those who would not normally be able to afford healthcare of any kind. For many it is the difference between life and death. Since it opened in 2015 the neonatal mortality rate of the region has reduced significantly. Some of the staff are currently supported through sponsorship but there are still many who are not and who receive a minimum amount of financial support through Comfort Congo. Moses does not yet have a sponsor and it would benefit him, his family and the hospital greatly if he were to be sponsored. If you would like to sponsor (or part sponsor) Moses, or another staff member please email [email protected] and we will put you in touch with the sponsorship admin head.