25 hills in one day for Comfort 25

45.89 Kilometres

2472 Metres of Ascent

25 Pentland Hills to be summited…

As part of the Comfort 25 challenge for our anniversary year, I’m aiming to climb 25 Pentland Hills on October the 26th. In order, they will be: 

Caerketton Hill; Byerside Hill; Allermuir Hill; Capelaw Hill; Harbour Hill; Bell’s Hill; Black Hill; Hare Hill; East Cairn Hill; Little Hill; West Cairn Hill; Byrehope Mount; Faw Mount; Mount Maw; Grain Heads; The Mount; Paties Hill; Spittal Hill; Green Law; Cap Law; West Kip; East Kip; Scald Law; Carnethy Hill; Turnhouse Hill.

I expect it will be wet, windy, boggy and sore…but I’ll be doing my best to not let those things affect me too much. In my head, I’ll be thinking about the people I met when I visited when I visited Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo with Comfort back in May (you can read more about that trip here).

The part of that trip that has stuck with me the most, is my visit to the Internally Displaced Peoples Camps in the Democratic Republic of Congo where conflict is forcing families and orphaned children to flee their homes. I know that the 2 girls I sat with there will be at the forefront of my mind as I train and carry out the walk. 

Darlena is 8 and still has a childish twinkle in her eyes, despite the hard life she has had to this point. I had spotted her playing in a nearby field when we first arrived. She spoke about how she misses being with her friends and being at school. She doesn’t at all like being in the camp and wishes the fighting would stop.

Neema is a little older than Darlena and has lost the childhood naivety that Darlena is still holding on to. Neema shared with me that she lost both of her parents due to the conflict a few years ago. The Sake orphanage had become home and she was feeling happy. She is devastated that they have had to evacuate and desperately misses the orphanage. She misses being able to go to school and be with friends.

Please consider supporting me in this fundraising walk – you can donate here or by clicking the button below.

a little can change a life