Stories of hope and generosity from our Street Kids Rescue projects

by Halcyon Martin

A successful business from a start up grant and a very generous granny.

Over the past few months while mass gatherings have not been allowed Gasana David and the Comfort Rwanda team have been continually visiting and checking on beneficiaries. Below are a couple of great and moving stories from these visits as told by David:

Successful Business

“Today I visited a number of SKR project kids again and was very impressed by Yves’ mother who had been given capital to start a business making bags.”

She had already undertaken training when she received her grant and her business has been flourishing. She has been able to repair her house with money from her business. She has also taught Yves how to make the bags and he has made one for himself.

Generous Grandmother

“I also visited Fabruce, one of quieter boys on the project. He lives with his grandmother as he finds it helpful staying with her.

“His grandmother is a really merciful lady – last weekend the project provided food for families/parents and Fabruce’s grandmother used much of this project food to feed the poor who live nearby, especially poor children. I shared lunch with the children, Fabruce and his grandmother. The food that we shared was really delicious and cooked by Fabruce. His grandmother told me that Fabruce had been learning how to cook during total lockdown.

“Fabruce’s grandmother said that due to poverty caused my Corona Virus many of the parents have had to leave their homes to search for jobs and they’d  leave their children with no food. Some of these kids have been on the streets begging for food. She decided to invite the children to her home to eat food that she and Yves prepare.  She collects the children and gives them the little that she has.  This has impressed me so much and I thought it is a story you would love to hear.”