A wonderful celebration of thanksgiving for 25 years of Comfort

Twenty-five years of Comfort International. So many stories of hope and restoration. So many lives saved and changed. 
A couple of weeks ago I had a picture for someone of them as a beautiful swan’s feather quill pen in the hand of God and he was guiding the story of their life to write his continuing story of love, grace, compassion, kindness, restoration, hope and so on. And so it has been with Comfort International. Even before Callum said yes to God to go to Rwanda in 1999, the start of the story was being written and the pages were being filled with adventure, pain, courage, obedience, hope, learning, miracles and more. Many, many more have joined this particular narrative over the past twenty-five years and their stories have been and are being woven together.

It was wonderful to see so many of the Comfort International family together on Saturday 27th April 2024 as we filled Bishopbriggs Community Church for the 25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration. Many more joined us online from across the world, including Africa and Brazil. It was a morning of celebration and thanksgiving to God, with a warm welcome, worship, prayer, stories, bible readings, memories, history, appreciation and our special guest and partner Comfort Congo Director Dieudonné Mugongo sharing his heart, followed by a wonderful meal together. You can watch it all here:

Another highlight for me was the video that had been put together by the team detailing the journey between 2006 and 2012 (see below). The impact of the fledgling charity during this time is staggering as they strengthened connections with Solace Ministries (first Rwandan partner) and the Living Church (Rwanda) and connected with Comfort Congo (D.R.Congo) and Good News International (Rwanda). Sponsorship of ex-street kids, purchase of land for the Vocational Training Centre, cattle and goat provision, education support and building of classrooms, support of Solace Ministries staff, sponsorship of genocide orphans and survivors, the start of a pastors training programme which became accredited in 2011, healing and reconciliation retreats and associated house building of more than 100 homes, sewing groups and a survivors craft group, church-community links established, opening of the charity shop, building the maternity and general hospital in D.R.Congo and more. From 2008, four groups a year were visiting the projects in Rwanda and Congo, impacting the lives of the visitors as well as the Africans, strengthening ties and commitment and spreading the news and stories more widely. The God stories were being increasingly interwoven. 

Scripture verses that have been key to the story of Comfort International were read out during the morning: Isaiah 61:1-4, Matthew 25:31-40, Lamentations 3:22-25 and Isaiah 58:6-12. Prayers and memories were shared and collected. And a beautiful celebration cake made by Izzy was cut by Dieudonné and shared after the meal.

Dieudonné Mugongo, Director of Comfort Congo, spoke passionately about the situation in and around Goma; the challenges of inter-tribal conflict, volcanic activity, militia and poverty, the huge number of displaced people and of his challenge to local and national government to ‘help like Comfort International’. He spoke of the fruitfulness of the healing and reconciliation retreats with tribal leaders, the rescuing and rehabilitation of child soldiers, the 174 schools that Comfort Congo now oversee and run, of the maternity and general hospital and the impact to the surrounding community, of the churches and the choirs and of the feeding, farming, sewing and craft projects. He and his team are truly courageous and dedicated. In all his stories there was a lightness and a joy because he is a man who knows God and has experienced his goodness, kindness and provision over and over. He pointed to the reason for this joy when he started to speak by reading Luke 10:21 and saying Christians must rejoice because of their relationship to Christ, because of their fellowship with the redeemed, because of their assurance of eternal life and because their sins are forgiven. Dieudonné is a man of extravagant joy.

A huge thank you goes to the team who made the day a success, in particular Karen Ross who headed up the organisation and catering. A huge thank you also to all our supporters, we could not do this without you. Special thanks to the worship team, caterers, volunteers, photographers, organisers and everyone who brought delicious home-baking!

There was also a challenge to get involved with Comfort 25 and make our 25th year a year of 25-themed fundraising. Contact enquiry@comfortinternational.org for more information or to set up a fundraiser page. 

Another key event this year will be the 25th Anniversary Charity Ball on September 21st 2024 at the Glasgow Marriott Hotel. This will include a sit-down meal, entertainment, dancing, raffle prizes and an auction with Roo Irvine from Bargain Hunt! We would love to see you there. Get your friends/church/work colleagues/anyone you find together and reserve your table of ten people. Book your tickets here!

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