Comfort Babies: Esperance works hard to ensure the health of mums & babies

by Gasana David, Comfort Rwanda

Sorghum flour porridge is packed with nutrients.

At the Comfort Babies Project Esperance, one of the field officers/project mothers, works hard to keep the babies healthy and happy with great communication with their mothers. She teaches the mothers about how to keep their babies healthy and how to look after themselves too.

Sorghum flour porridge is a nutrient-packed grain. It is rich in vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. It is also an excellent source of fibre, antioxidants and protein.

Esperance goes to the markets looking for great sorghum flour for the babies at the project. She also makes sure mums follow COVID-19 restrictions when coming to get the porridge flour at the project base; they are not allowed to bring their babies, they must wear a face mask and they must wash their hands when entering the project house. They also come one by one to prevent gathering.

Here are some of the mums/carers collecting their Sorghum flour porridge.

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