Christmas Parties in Rwanda

The young people on our Street Kids Rescue Projects in Rwanda had the opportunity to celebrate this Christmas. With restrictions in place the gatherings were smaller than some past years but they were still filled with fun and laughter and will have created good memories for the children.

Each child also received gifts of shoes and a T-shirt and they were measured for a new pair of trousers. After these celebrations the guardians gathered and received food (rice, potatoes, beans, maize flour, vegetable oil and sauce) and soap. They were also given money to buy tomatoes, onions and charcoal. All of this enabled them to have further Christmas celebrations in their families.

The gifts that had been sent from the UK were also distributed during the celebration. Many of the children were really excited and pleased to receive a gift, letter or card from their sponsor, especially as we have not been able to send Comfort International Teams to Rwanda for a couple of years.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to these projects and to these parties!

Gatenga SKR

Gasanze SKR

Batsinda SKR

Nyabisindu SKR

Food distribution

a little can change a life