Support for elderly widows and widowers in Rwanda

On 17th March 2023, Solace Ministries visited 44 elderly widows who are supported by Ebenezer Church from Scotland. Below is their report on the visit: 

“Lately, life became hard for everyone, especially the vulnerable ones. People need to work hard to meet their needs which is not possible for our people from Rukumberi community. They are very old and weak which does not allow them to work like anyone else. The compassion and commitment shown by Ebenezer Church of Scotland is so much appreciated in their efforts to ease the burden of those widows. Their work has made a real difference in their lives in terms of hope and motivation to live on. These elderly widows feel so blessed that God’s people send them love every three months. It has sustained them, and they are healthier because of this support which enables them to buy milk and help them to meet their other needs.”

This is Mukandoli Evanice, born in 1954. She has a child born in 1988 and a grandchild. She does not work but owns a small piece of land which she rents and shares the profits, and has a pig which has produced piglets. The pig was bought with the previous aid she received and with this aid she intends to renovate her house.

Mukabera Alvera was born in 1948 and lives with her child and two grandchildren. The support from previous years has helped her to set up a small business of creating local produce made from banana plantations. She also owns a small piece of land which she leases and shares the profits. This time she will use the funds to treat her eyes and heart and she wants to raise a pig. She is very thankful for everything, and she prays that the blessings of the Lord overflow to their supporters.

Mukangoga Faina was born in 1941, and she has two grandchildren. One has finished primary school and the other is still in primary school. She owns a small piece of land which she leases and shares the proceeds. She is also a member of a cooperative to which she gives 1,000, 2,000 or 5,000rwf each week, which helps her pay her grandchildren’s school fees. The aid will enable her to buy fruit and food, and she intends to buy a pig to raise.

“Solace Ministries and the beneficiaries are very grateful for the partnership with Ebenezer Church. It has produced fruitful results and changed the lives of so many people, especially the elderly widows who feel lonely. The support has helped them to overcome so many challenges and this has transformed their lives in a positive way whether emotionally or financially.”

a little can change a life