Tongo Vocational Training Centre is live!

Last year we told you about land and buildings bought for the purposes of a Vocational Training Centre (VTC) in Tongo, in the Rutshuru area of the Democratic Republic of Congo. You can read all about that in our blog post here. The Centre is principally to be a tool in the rehabilitation of ex-child soldiers in this area, but is open to other vulnerable young people, including rape survivors. Due to the ongoing fighting, sexual violence is tragically a commonplace weapon of war in this area; dangerous, traumatic and stigmatised. The vocational training centre will provide an opportunity for these young people to learn skills that will allow them to find employment, set up their own business, and find a route out of poverty and hopelessness. It also provides a sense of community and purpose. 

The Tongo VTC opened its doors and was functioning at capacity between October 27th and November 7th, 2023. According to a report from Tongo local chief, Mr Muhindo Bulenda, from November 8th, the whole population had to flee intense fighting in the area, and it is only since November 17th that a small part of the population has begun to return. Therefore, Comfort Congo says there are a reduced number of learners currently at the school. 

One of the classes that has begun is the sewing class. This is prinicipally comprised of young women who have suffered sexual violence as a result of the war and general instability in the area. As well as rape survivors, there are some single mothers, some of the Children of Liberty (ex-child soldiers) and vulnerable girls. Below you can see the class with their teacher Mwira Kulu (left), who has been training the girls in tailoring skills, how to use a sewing machine and make clothes. 

Another one of the amazing teachers at the Tongo VTC is Lutehauma Faustins (right), who is training some of the Children of Liberty and other vulnerable youngsters on construction and principally how to made bricks. They are starting with a number of theoretical lessons before they will move on to practical sessions where they can put their newly learned skills to the test. 

Despite the many serious challenges which face both the current and prospective students of the VTC, as well as the incredible teachers and tutors, we are delighted that classes have begun and we hope and pray that those that have started will reap rich benefits from the invaluable teaching they will receive at the centre. 

a little can change a life