Many of our supporters have been closely following the evolving and disturbing situation in and around Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo where the M23 rebel armies have advanced and taken the city and the surrounding areas. In the wake of this there has been mass chaos, an upturn in the already alarming levels of sexual violence, looting and murder. We have been in a state of prayer and concern for our partners at Comfort Congo who face inexpressible challenges on every front. On Wednesday the 5th of February, we received this update from Bedadi (below) at Comfort Congo, regarding the ever changing situation they are confronted with:

Currently, the security situation in the city of Goma is very chaotic. The electricity has been restored but there is still the problem of water (which has been cut off) and to this is added the insecurity during the night caused by the bandits who fled the central prison of Goma* – more than 2000 of them are currently free and without control. There were many women and children in the prison who lost their lives and others were raped because they couldn’t flee during the mass escape. Others during the fire were burned alive after been raped because the female inmates were attacked in their wing inside prison.

Current situation of Comfort Congo projects.
SKR (Street Kids Rescue)
Thank God that all 27 children in this program are safe. There is a big problem of lack of food and water today. Each child must eat at least once a day and as food has become so expensive there is a need to find food and water to continue to ensure their survival during this most difficult period we are going through.
“My name is Robert**; I am a child from the Comfort Congo Street Kids Rescue Programme. Today, because of the situation we are currently experiencing, I am afraid of dying and I do not have a place where I can flee because Comfort Congo is the only family I have. Since the war started we have had difficulty getting food as we did before the war came, so we are eating little to save what we have now stored. We ask the friends of Comfort Congo to continue to help us and pray for us.”

COL (Children of Liberty)
The Children of Liberty, those living at the Village of Hope and those living with hosted families are safe, though some are afraid because of the current situation in Goma city.
“My name is Luka**; I am one of the Children of Liberty. Because of the situation that Goma City is going through, personally I am afraid and this situation reminds me of what I experienced in my previous life. It is difficult for me to close my eyes at night because of the bombs and the weapons that are killing everywhere, but I know that God is good and he will protect us and resolve these other things. We are hungry because we cannot move freely and our provisions are very insufficient because a kilo of potatoes which used to cost FC 1800 (about 50p) now costs FC 2500 (about 70p) (an increase of almost 50%) and we lack clean water so we use rain water. We ask Comfort Congo and their friends at Comfort International to continue to pray for us and see what they can do to help us overcome this ordeal.”

CBC (Comfort Babies Congo)
The CBC moms are doing well, but they are afraid because of the current situation in the city and they don’t know what to do. They need prayer during this difficult time they are going through. One of them gave birth on January 30, 2025.
“My name is Baraka**, I am new to the CBC project. I entered the project pregnant and I was supposed to give birth around February 10th, but because of my fear of the current situation, I gave birth by caesarean section in a small dispensary because I was too weak to go at Rusayu where there had been a bomb. I gave birth on Thursday the 30th of January, 2025 around 8:15 p.m. I had a good male child named David. I am still in the hospital, and the money I received from Comfort International helped me buy a few things for my child. He needs clothes and I have difficulty finding breast milk and I have no food but I hope that God will be my solution.”

CHR (Central Hospital Rusayu)
As we clarified in a previous communication, the hospital was not hit by bombs but many of the materials were looted and today the Comfort Congo pharmacy was looted. Nothing remains because all the medicines were taken away.

At the CHR, windows and doors have been broken, the solar panel batteries and now the solar panels themselves have been stolen, mattresses have been taken leaving beds empty and the pharmacy both here and at Furaja pharmacy have been looted.
Currently, the schools in the city of Goma and the surrounding area are closed but the buildings, especially those of Comfort Congo, are occupied by displaced people. The situation of teachers is chaotic because some have fled the war by leaving the interior of the country and those in Goma are no longer able to buy food or meet the needs of their families, hence we are observing a food crisis within Comfort Congo.
Comfort Congo Staff.
The Comfort Congo staff is strong despite the situation we are going through and especially today we work in bad conditions. We too are afraid but it is our job to help others because we are counting on divine protection.

“My name is Bedadi; I work at Comfort Congo and I thank God for continuing to protect me and my family. Recently we were hit by a bomb but thank God it did not cause much damage to my house – only damaged metal sheets, but my neighbour’s son died on the same hour and was buried in his plot because it was difficult to go to the cemetery to do the burial.”
On average we have 5,770 people including their families in different Comfort Congo programs that need emergency assistance with food, water and medicine, especially the care of women who have been seriously raped. This is the time Comfort Congo needs its friends in prayers and other necessary help to save lives.
Comfort International has launched an emergency appeal to respond to the needs detailed in this report and support Comfort Congo at this critical time. If you would like to donate, please head to our appeal.
*Thousands of male prisoners escaped a prison in Goma. The female prisoners were raped killed when the female wing was set alight with the women inside. Read the Guardian’s article here.
**Name changed to protect identity