Harvest for me always evokes memories of bringing in tinned goods to school, and popping them in the big box to be distributed out to food banks in the area. Or in church, it would involve a moment to reflect on the goodness of God, our great provider and sustainer, in gratitude for the bountiful plentiness He blesses us with, even when we don’t realise it. Harvest is a time for gratitude, yes, and also for the recognition that there are many throughout the world who do not enjoy the same relative abundance. It’s an opportunity to learn about the physical needs of many, and also the spiritual harvest that God wants to reap in our lives, and in those around us.
For the last five years, Comfort International has been producing resources to help and equip churches to convey both of these elements of harvest – the message of a Kingdom of righteousness, and the practical steps we can take towards it. Last year we looked at the Water of Life, understanding our own thirst for God and how He can satisfy that. We also looked at areas of the world that experience harsh droughts, such as South Sudan, where Comfort International works, and how we can all help make a difference to the children of God, our brothers and sisters, in these countries.
This year, we are looking at sowing peace, reaping righteousness.

In this year’s resources, we explore what being a “peacemaker” is really about. We go on a journey through Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan, where war and conflict have destroyed people’s lives, either in the past or to this very day. We discuss the forgiveness, reconciliation and peace that can come through Jesus Christ. And we talk about what we can all do in our world today to be peacemakers, sowing in peace, and reaping in righteousness.
In this year’s Harvest Pack, you can find an introductory video (shown below), talks, quizzes and resources for children and young people, a guided prayer for peace and righteousness, and lots of fun and creative ideas on how to raise funds for those living in war and conflict today. You’ll also find some information about COmfort International and the type of work that we do throughout our partner countries.

You can access this year’s Harvest Resources here. They are completely free to use, and we hope you find them useful! We’d love to hear your feedback – if you loved it or hated it! Let us know what you thought so we can keep making it better for next year. Praying that this year holds a blessed Harvest for your church, and that we can all continue to sow into the Kingdom of Heaven, and reap the fruits of righteousness in our lives, in our churches, in the projects in Africa and all around us.