By Peter McLean, Church Relationship Manager:
I have just returned from what was a first trip for me to the Hebrides and more importantly was a first visit for Comfort International to some churches on Lewis. After a great drive up through Skye, on the Uig-Tarbert ferry, and then across Harris and Lewis to Stornoway, I stayed at Laxdale Holiday Park. (My return journey was on Stornoway-Ullapool ferry and thankfully both ferry crossings were unaffected by the weather – just!)

The trip had been in planning for over a year, thanks to several personal links I have with people on Lewis. Over the course of five days, from Wednesday – Sunday, I spoke at four churches: Shawbost Free Church (cover photo), St. Columba’s Old Parish (right below), Barvas CoS (left below) and Stornoway High Church (left above). I also hosted a leaders breakfast at the County Hotel which, although a small gathering, was attended by the Minister and Treasurer from two of these churches, who are keen to consider further what level of engagement and support they can have with Comfort International.
The trip was a great success. The response from people at all the churches was warm and enthusiastic. So much so that I ran out of business cards and Comfort Gifts brochures. All the churches took donation boxes and a large amount of leaflets. Many kept apologising that because it was the holiday week, many were away who would otherwise have attended the services. Word got around that I was ‘on the isle’ and people in other churches began asking about Comfort International. I have been invited back next year, for a longer period, perhaps slightly earlier in the year, to speak to more churches. The Lewis Presbytery are keen to be in touch to arrange this. On a personal level, in my free time I was able to visit some of the wonderful sites on Lewis, thus appreciating more of God’s creation in my own country, which up to this point I feel I had always neglected.

Callum and I have often discussed the value of travelling to share about the work of Comfort International, wherever the Lord may lead – no matter how far or how large/small the church. I have always found that the further I travel for Comfort International, the keener people are to hear about our work and engage with and support what Christ is doing through us in East/Central Africa. When it comes to the Church and the Kingdom, there are no borders or distances. We are all one in Christ Jesus. The good folks on Lewis exceeded my expectations in their hospitality and willingness to support and partner with us to build His Kingdom in Africa and speed His return.
Php 1:3-6, 2 Cor 8:3-5, 9:12-15