Good News International Report 2022
Our friends and partners at Good News International have had a busy 2022! We recently received their report of 2022 as the year draws to a close. They write, “In this year 2022, Comfort International has supported Good News International to achieve different activities within GNI communities. We are so thankful for our partnership and we would like to appreciate everyone at Comfort International for all your efforts to support vulnerable people in Rwanda.”
In the report we received many updates which we will be sharing with you over the coming months. One of these was the SOS sponsorship:

SOS Sponsorship
“This sponsorship was very important since the beginning until this year, when some of the beneficiaries became independent. We have beneficiaries who became independent like Nikuze Peace, Gashirabake Jean Marie, Gahongayire Odette, and Musafiri Vincent. They all gave positive testimonies of how the program has helped them during the time life was very difficult. They thank their sponsors who helped them all that time. They are now doing different things and they are managing life without problem. Nikuze Peace was given the money to learn how to use a sewing machine because she had a machine, now she is using that machine to generate some income. Gahongayire Odette has a small shop in her village where she is selling different things to be able to generate some income. Musafiri Vincent is doing an agricultural project in his village in the Eastern province and he can make some income enough for his life. Gashirabake Jean Marie has some part time jobs which help him to generate incomes. He has a fiancée and he is preparing to get married. All these stories show how positive the program was for the beneficiaries as it gave them the foundation for them to become independent. We thank Comfort International and all the sponsors who have been supporting these people until the time they became independent. Your donations have contributed much in their lives. God bless you.”

“We thank you very much again for supporting us through finances and prayers in order for us to achieve all of these activities in order to change the lives of our people. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2023. We also send you greetings from the different people in our communities.”