More sponsors needed as mothers graduate from Comfort Babies Congo

Comfort Babies in Congo is run by our partners at Comfort Congo, based in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo. The project is a lifeline for young mums who have often been abandoned by their partners and families and fight to raise their children in the midst of intense poverty and conflict that rages around them putting them and their children in constant danger. Many of the girls are victims of sexual violence and tragically this still comes with a lot of stigma, meaning they can be shunned from the community. At the Village of Hope, they find love, community, peace, hope, as well as practical support allowing their children to go to school and teaching them vocational skills so they can start income-generating activities. It truly is a life-saving programme, and many young mums are on the waiting list to come onto the project so they can access the support they so desperately need. 

One of the mums who has had her life transformed since coming onto the project is Naomi. She has been on the CBC project for 5 years, starting when her daughter, Daniella, was 2 years old. Life was extremely difficult for Naomi before coming onto the project. She was abandoned by Daniella’s father and shortly after she lost both of her parents too. She told us, “I had no help, no life, no food, and no way to buy clothes. My only hope was when I came onto the project.” She goes on to say, “Today I see my situation has really changed – it makes me so happy. I can face my difficulties and most of our basic needs are met. My baby has a good life.” Naomi has started an income-generating activity, selling second hand clothes in the market place, which helps her supplement the money she receives from her sponsor. Having the support means she can invest in a sustainable option of income for their future, and won’t have to rely on outside help going forward.

Naomi says that the best thing about life is being able to see her daughter, Daniella, going to school. She is now in Primary 2, and Naomi says she is free from stress because the project gives her the money to pay school fees for the whole year in advance, so there is no fear she will not be able to pay. Naomi told us, “I don’t know where I would be without Comfort Babies because life was so difficult before the project.”

Naomi and Daniella are graduating from the project this Summer, now that Naomi is in a position to support her family financially. Her sponsorship will be transferred to another mother in great need and in desperate circumstances. Naomi is so grateful for her sponsor, and says she feels so happy to know he is there. When asked if God plays a role in her life, she says, “God is very important to me because despite all I have been through he responds when I call on Him. Please continue to pray for me, that my business can grow and that my daughter can finish her studies.”

Comfort Congo worker, Bedadi, who oversees the CBC project, wrote to us to outline that eight of the mothers supported through the project are graduating this year. Much of this is due to the success of the income-generating activities the mothers have started. This means that eight new mothers will be able to join the project this year which is wonderful news. However, Bedadi stresses the importance of sponsorship and the need for more sponsors wherever possible to take up the mantle and support these young women. He writes, “There is a great need of single mothers between 14-16 years old who are in real difficulties, especially during this troublesome time that we live here because of the war leading to women being raped every day, extreme poverty and a lack of means, leading some young girls to a life of prostitution so that they can have simple things such as clothes, food or shoes. At the end they are living without hope of a good future for themselves and for their children who sometimes will not have opportunity to know their real fathers.”

The Comfort Babies project is a source of hope for young mothers in Goma, who are living in unimaginably difficult conditions. By finding a community of other mums in a similar situation to themselves, meeting the hope that Jesus brings for their lives, and learning skills to generate income for themselves and their children, all while seeing their children growing up well, going to school, being fed and cared for in a safe environment, their futures can be completely changed. If you or someone you know could sponsor a mum and baby, please get in touch today. 

a little can change a life