New patient beds for Central Hospital Rusayu

In September last year, we made our supporters aware of a great need at the Central Hospital Rusayu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Due to the increased intensity of the fighting there, the demands on the hospital multiplied greatly and were stretched beyond capacity. Many thousands of displaced families have been passing through or settling in the area and many are sick, injured or pregnant and in desperate need of medical attention. The hospital, run by a heroic team of staff, have been providing free or reduced cost care for those who would otherwise be unable to afford it. Sometimes there have been up to three patients to a single bed, and space and resources have been stretched to the limit. 

Patients have at times had to share beds due to the sheer volume of people needing attended to

We made an appeal at supporters’ day for help in buying new beds and mattresses for patients, as well as acknowledging the need for a new operating bed, blood bank fridge, a garage for the ambulance so it could stay near the hospital without being damaged or stolen, an incubator, a patient trolley, and general funds towards medicines and nutritional support for those in need. The photo on the left shows the operating bed which is in daily use for surgery and parturition, which has become completely worn and torn and is becoming unfit for purpose. The needs are vast and urgent, but we have been overwhelmed by the response from supporters and while there are many things still on that list that require provision we remain in the faith that God will provide all that is needed over the course of time. 

Thanks to a number of very generous donations, we have been able to purchase the first new beds for the hospital where patients have already begun making use of them (see top photo). Comfort Congo wrote to us, saying, “We received three beds that will help us strengthen our hospital beds, and we placed them in the maternity ward. As you noticed during the last visit, our beds are old and worn and their gradual replacement will help comfort patients in distress. These beds are mattress friendly and our patients are already using them.”

The CHR ambulance collecting the beds to take to the hospital

We also received an incredibly generous donation covering the entire cost of the operating bed. This money has been sent out and will purchase a new operating bed which will offer so much more comfort, cleanliness and security for both the doctors and patients at CHR. We were also delighted to be awarded a grant of £1,400 for a new blood fridge for the hospital which will be crucial in storing blood for transfusions and undoubtedly save lives as many innocent people are caught in the violent crossfire between rebel armies and government forces.  We will keep you up to date as we continue to work hard to provide the CHR with the equipment and resources required to attend to such a large and needy population, and we are incredibly grateful for the sacrificial generosity of all those who continue to support the work and in doing so allow us to keep going. 

a little can change a life