Story of the month: Adrocella

At our 25th anniversary ball this weekend, we shared the incredible story of Adrocella, one of the amazing Children of Liberty – ex-child soldiers who have been rescued and rehabilitated at the Village of Hope through our partners, Comfort Congo, in Goma, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Adrocella’s story in inspiring, not just because of the horrendous situations which she found herself in just over five years ago, but because of the hope and joy that now radiates from her. Our Creative Manager, Chris Hoskins, managed to meet with Adrocella when visiting DRC this year, and hear her story. Click below to see the video, which goes through Adrocella’s testimony. 

In 2008, when Adrocella was just nine years old, her father died. Not long after this, her mother abandoned her, leaving with one younger brother while Adrocella, her sister and another brother were left behind. They went to stay with other members of the family, but they weren’t treated well there, and Adrocella found herself wondering if there wasn’t more to life than the reality she was living. One day, she and two friends got talking to one of the chiefs of an armed group, who told them stories about how well they were living; stories of triumph and riches. He invited Adrocella and her friends to come with them, and Adrocella says, “we easily accepted.”

Very quickly, Adrocella and her friends realised that the better life they’d been promised was nothing more than a fantasy. In fact, life went from bad to worse, as Adrocella was forced to go out on militia raids, fighting to rob, loot and kill. She was often beaten by superiors, and lived in a constant state of fear. Adrocella frequently used drugs and drank in order to cope with what she experienced and did. Then, one fateful day during a raid, Adrocella fractured her leg, ang was left for dead by her group, except for one friend who stayed with her and took her to a health centre where she was transferred to a hospital in Goma. 

It was in hospital that Adrocella met a member of the Comfort Congo team. They spent time with her, helping her to build trust with them and to build the courage to leave the militia. She agreed, and took the brave step of coming onto the Children of Liberty project. Over time, she could start to go back to school and get her High School Diploma. Adrocella reflects, “I feel like there is hope because now, instead of planning to do bad, I am able to study at school.” She also works selling Mobile Sim cards in order to make some money for herself.

One of Adrocella’s favourite things to do, like many of the Children of Liberty, is sing in the choir and worship God. She often writes in her letters to her sponsor how she loves to listen to Christian music and the peace it brings her heart. 

In another of her letters, Adrocella writes, “When I was in a hopeless situation, God came through with you to save my life. You came in the moment when I was in urgent need to help and to raise me up. You allowed me to attend school. And today, I have finished my secondary school because of your financial and spiritual intervention for me. I did not have a family but you help me to have one, here at Pam Jackson House, we live with other girls who are in the same situation as me.”

The Children of Liberty have given Adrocella a new life, with new friends and a new focus in life: God. Through Comfort Congo rescuing her, Adrocella is now living a safe, happy life with a positive future in front of her. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and changing a life like Adrocella’s, please click below. 

a little can change a life