We are constantly astounded by the generosity of our supporters and the amazing transformations that this leads to in the lives of people in Africa.
We have so many stories of lives rebuilt, hope restored, education accessed, life-saving medical help given for free, communities and families reconciled, careers started, babies nurtured and young people moving into a purposeful future.

Sponsorship is one of the effective pathways for these changes to take place. Not only are the material and educational/business needs of a person met but also they become fully aware that there is someone in particular who cares about them. This vital ingredient can completely change their outlook on life, it can give them strength to go on and hope for the future. This is especially key when they have been rejected by their families and their society and they feel worthless and insignificant. A sponsorship relationship is worth so much more than the financial contribution.

We know that many of you have sown into lives in Africa in this way. You are part of an amazing story that is helping to shape communities.
Consider the following:
Almost 30 ex-child soldiers are now living healed, restored, independent self-sustainable lives after sponsorship helped them go through the life-transforming Children of Liberty project. Another 40 ex-child soldiers are on the road towards a similar outcome. At the end of last year 38 more sponsor supported ex-street children finished school and are now being supported into independent self-sustainable living. Over 200 other children are presently being supported towards that point. Five schools in DR Congo are being run through the sponsored salary support of sponsors. Children from communities in Burundi and South Sudan living on the edge of survival are now at school and receiving food and health support through sponsorship. Hospital staff at Rusayu have their salaries supported by sponsors and are saving lives in extremely poor parts of Congo. Over 100 mothers & babies are being given support to help their babies have a hope and a future as they grow up through sponsorship. Rape survivors in Congo are given the chance to heal and find a new way to make a living through sponsorship. Genocide survivors left without family or resources are receiving support to continue to rebuild their lives through sponsorship. Every year dozens of young people are supported by Comfort International sponsorship to access vocational training.
Please Spread the Word
Do you know someone who could make a difference like this by joining our sponsorship programmes?
Would you speak to them?
There are dozens of children and adults presently needing sponsorship. Could a family member or friend help change another life? Over the next three months we will be highlighting projects where sponsors are urgently needed and if you can bring that to the attention of people you know then together we can multiply our effectiveness and bring joy to some of those whose lives have been broken on the jagged rocks of homelessness, war and poverty. Help us help them by encouraging your friends and family to contact us to ask about sponsorship.
This is My Story
Here is a story of a young man on one of our Street Kids Rescue Projects:
Both my parents died when I was young. My mother died in child birth when I was in primary one. I lived rough, sleeping in hollows on the open hillside, for 7 years and I was rescued by Comfort Rwanda when I was 15 years old. I had dropped out of school so when I joined the project I started primary one. I combined primary one and two as a way of catching up I am now in secondary school. The project has really helped me strive hard and now I am working hard at my school work. I am the class captain. During the pandemic we lost some schooling but I worked hard to catch up. When I complete my studies I would like to become an engineer.
Not long ago I was re-integrated with my family through the re-integration programme. I was so happy to meet my grandparents after a very long time. It was such great moment meeting them.
Please share my story and let others know how much sponsorship can change lives!
a little can change a life